Life Without Barriers: Recruiting Foster Carers

It’s the little things that matter most – like having a safe place to call home, someone you can smile with and the right support.
Foster Caring Information
Organisation: Life Without Barriers
Contact Number: 1300 592 227
Email Address:

We are looking for compassionate individuals, couples and families to become foster carers to provide a safe and supportive home for vulnerable children and young people. We’ll support you 24/7 and provide all the training you’ll need.

Share your world: Become a foster carer

You can make an extraordinary difference in the life of a young person by sharing those ordinary, everyday moments.

We are looking for compassionate individuals, couples and families to become foster carers to provide a safe and supportive home for vulnerable children and young people. We’ll support you 24/7 and provide all the training you’ll need.

If you have a spare bedroom and time to share, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us today and be the positive change in a child’s life!