Working together to challenge and change

The Tasmanian Council of Social Service (TasCOSS) is the peak body for the community services industry in Tasmania. We advocate to challenge and change the systems, behaviours and attitudes that create poverty, inequality and exclusion, to ensure all Tasmanians have the same opportunity to live a good life.
Tasmanian households are experiencing energy poverty
Tasmanians are working in the community services industry
Tasmanians are living below the poverty line
Tasmanians are on the priority social housing waitlist (as of December 2024)

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TasCOSS Conference 2025: Shaping our future together

Come and join us at the TasCOSS Conference 2025: Shaping our future together to delve into the complex landscape we are currently operating in and explore how we can shape the Tasmanian community services industry and our state’s future, together.
Find Out More

Why Become a TasCOSS Member?

In joining TasCOSS, you are joining a community dedicated to delivering equality, opportunity and a good life for all Tasmanians.
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