Working It Out: Positive Mental Health Outcomes for LGBTIQA+ Clients

A two-day course in Launceston for mental health service staff and clinicians
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Venue: Launceston (exact venue TBC)
Date: 21 October, 2024 - 22 October, 2024
Time 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Organisation: Working It Out
Contact Number: 03 6231 1200
Email Address:

A two-day course for mental health service staff and clinicians

About the Course
LGBTIQA+ people experience some of the worst mental health outcomes of any population group in Australia. This 2-day course examines the underlying drivers of these poor outcomes, and gives practitioners the tools to provide evidence-based and affirming care to LGBTIQA+ clients.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this session participants will be able to:

  • Describe mental health issues impacting LGBTIQA+ individuals and groups
  • Describe the impact of historic and contemporary stigma, discrimination, harassment and abuse
  • Adhere to appropriate legislative requirements in relation to service delivery
  • Use appropriate language and terminology to support LGBTIQA+ clients
  • Embed LGBTIQA+ inclusive practices into everyday behaviours and organisational practices
  • Apply evidence-based strategies for improving mental health outcomes for LGBTIQA+ clients

Session 1 

  • Unpacking gender, sex and sexuality identities – definitions and terminology
  • Statistics in relation to mental health outcomes for LGBTIQA+ people and the underlying drivers
  • Focus on specific populations and demographics

Session 2

  • Key strategies for inclusive service delivery
  • What person-centered support looks like for LGBTIQA+ clients
  • Best-practice evidence regarding what supports positive mental health outcomes for LGBTIQA+ clients – including trans affirming care and tools

*Some content may be delivered via pre and post learning materials and activities.

Previous feedback for this course

  • “great facilitators, great level of engagement from participants, safe inclusive space for discussions”
  • “Loved it! Will be recommending this training!”
  • 10/10 average overall rating