Trainer Preparation Program — Developing a Workplace Training Culture (Intake 2)

** Expressions of interest have now closed. ***

Interested in gaining new training skills and knowledge?

This program, co-designed with TasTAFE (RTO 60142), provides a first step in gaining training skills and knowledge to support, mentor, instruct and assist people completing qualifications in the workplace.

Skills and knowledge development is provided through a combination of a non-accredited trainer Trainer Preparation Program and a pathway to continue to complete the Workplace Skill Set within the Training and Assessment package (TAE40122).

To find out more about this funded training opportunity, please download the information flyer. To apply please complete the short application form below.

Who is this program for?

To be eligible for this program participants must be working in the community services industry sectors — aged care, disability services, education and care (childcare) or social services. The program is ideal for people in the workplace who already do, or have the potential to supervise, coach and mentor other employees in training in the workplace, for example trainees or students in training. Learn more about this program in the breakout boxes below.

Start dates:

Trainer Preparation Program — Developing a Workplace Training Culture (Intake 2) face-to-face sessions are scheduled from 9am-3pm on the following dates:

    • North-West — Wednesday 19 June 2024
    • North — Thursday 20 June 2024
    • South — Monday 24 June 2024

See the breakout boxes below for the full Trainer Preparation Program — Developing a Workplace Training Culture (Intake 2) schedule.

Entry requirements:

Those continuing on from the Trainer Preparation Program to complete the Workplace Skill Set must be able to demonstrate vocational competency in their proposed teaching and assessing area. Vocational competency is defined as broad industry knowledge and experience and may include, but is not limited to, holding relevant qualifications. TasTAFE requires learners to be able to fulfil the following requirements:

    • Have access to a computer, tablet or laptop and internet access.
    • Have a reasonable level of language, literacy and numeracy skills.
    • Have an intermediate level of technology skills.
    • Be able to commit to completing approximately ten hours of course work if continuing from the Trainer Preparation Program to the accredited Workplace Skill Set units.

Is it funded?

Yes, this program is funded. There is no cost for training delivery for this program. Participants will attend a one-day face-to-face training day and two half-day online sessions. Employers will need to support release of staff who are undertaking the training.

Backfill subsidy for employers:

If you are a community services industry employer with a participant completing the Workplace Skill Set units, you may be eligible for backfill subsidy for the online training that your employee attends. A claim form will be provided early in the course and a reminder near the end of the course. Payment is made at the end of the training. Backfill reimbursements can only be claimed if the participant has been paid to attend training and their position has been covered. Please note, the backfill subsidy is not provided for the Trainer Preparation Program.

More information:

If you are interested in finding out more about this funded training opportunity, please email the Workforce Ready Team or contact Mary Langdon, Workforce Ready Team Senior Officer, directly via email.

This training opportunity is part of the Local People in Local Jobs initiative, supported by the Tasmanian Government through the Department of State Growth. A partnership with TasCOSS on behalf of the social services sector peak bodies and the Tasmanian peak bodies of ACCPA, NDS, ECA Tasmania Branch (contracted to Lady Gowrie Tasmania).


This program offers pathways starting with a Trainer Preparation Program which everyone starts with a face-to-face training day, through to accredited Work Skills Instructions Skill Set (TAESS00028) and  Mentor in the Workplace (TAEDEL414) unit.

The Trainer Preparation Program commences with a face-to-face class. This initiative taps into your natural capacity as a learner, tailoring the educational experience to suit your needs. Through participatory activities, you and your peers can explore your individual learning styles and gain insights from the successful learning strategies and self-driven approaches of others. By mastering the study and digital competencies, you’re able to convert your academic abilities into employable soft skills. These include aiding students in the workplace with appropriate educational strategies, assisting colleagues in building assurance and overcoming learning barriers. In essence, the competences developed through this program are invaluable in any leadership role within a professional context, equipping you with the core skills necessary to foster a culture of workplace training within your sector.

Trainer Preparation Program

Delivery Location (may vary) Date Time
Face-to-Face South Monday 24 June 2024 9am-3pm
Face-to-Face North Thursday 20 June 2024 9am-3pm
Face-to-Face North-West Wednesday 19 June 2024 9am-3pm
Webinar 1 Online (Zoom) Wednesday 26 June 2024 1pm-3:30pm
Webinar 2 Online (Zoom) Thursday 27 June 2024 1pm-3:30pm


Work Skills Instructions Skill Set (TAESS00028) and Mentor in the Workplace (TAEDEL414) Online Sessions

Delivery Location Time Time
Online Induction Online (Zoom) Thursday 25 July 2024 12noon-1pm
Webinar 1 Online (Zoom) Thursday 25 July 2024 1pm-3:30pm
Webinar 2 Online (Zoom) Thursday 15 August 2024 12:30pm-3:30pm
Webinar 3 Online (Zoom) Thursday 29 August 2024 12:30pm-3:30pm
Online Support Session Online (Zoom) Thursday 8 August 2024 2pm-3:30pm
Online Support Session Online (Zoom) Thursday 22 August 2024 2pm-3:30pm
Online Support Session Online (Zoom) Thursday 5 September 2024 2pm-3:30pm


The Units covered in the Work Skills Instructions Skill Set (TAESS00028) program are:

  • TAEPDD401 — Work Effectively in the VET Sector
  • TAEDEL311 — Provide Work Skill Instruction
  • TAEDEL414 — Mentor in the Workplace