*** Registration for this Learning Network is now open. To RSVP, please fill out the short registration form below. ***
TasCOSS is excited to announce that as part of our child safety reform project, we are starting a Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework Peer Learning Network (CYSOF Peer Learning Network) and inviting you to be a part of this Peer Learning Network.
During recent conversations with community organisations, we identified that workers in the industry would like more support with implementing CYSOF, including opportunities to learn from each other. The CYSOF Peer Learning Network will provide a space where community service industry workers can share information and examples of good practice as well as ask questions.
The first CYSOF Peer Learning Network meeting will be held on Tuesday, 24 September from 12:00-1:00pm focusing on the theme of child and youth participation and will feature a presentation from the Youth Network of Tasmania (YNOT). If you have time before the meeting, please consider what questions you would like to ask or examples of good practice you would like to share.
Register now to join the CYSOF Peer Learning Network by filling in the registration form below!
Each meeting will have a theme based on an aspect of CYSOF. For instance, one of the Child and Youth Safe Standards, or conducting investigations. Each meeting will start with a brief presentation from a speaker on that theme, then we will spend the remainder of the meeting asking questions and sharing information (based on the theme, or on any aspect of CYSOF that you would like to talk about). A representative from the Office of the Independent Regulator will be present to help answer tricky questions.
Between meetings, members of the CYSOF Peer Learning Network will have the opportunity to ask and answer questions and share information via a Teams Channel.
Future CYSOF Peer Learning Network meeting dates: 29 October 2024, 26 November 2024, 28 January 2025, 25 February 2025 and 25 March 2025.
For more information, please contact Jill Murphy | Industry Response Project Officer, via email.
Details on how to join the Microsoft Teams session will be distributed following registration.