Tasmanian Government: Ticket to Play

Increasing the number of young Tasmanians participating in sport and active recreation.
Click Here for More Information about Ticket to Play
Deadline: 31 December, 2024
Organisation: Tasmanian Government Department of State Growth
Contact Number: 1800 252 476
Email Address: tickettoplay@active.tas.gov.au

Ticket to Play is a Tasmanian Government initiative designed to reduce the cost of sport and active recreation membership and/or registration for eligible children. Ticket to Play provides two vouchers worth up to $100 each towards club membership fees for eligible children aged 5-18 years.

Ticket to Play is a Tasmania Government initiative designed to reduce the cost of sport and active recreation membership and/or registration for eligible children.

Ticket to Play provides two vouchers worth up to $100 each towards club membership fees for children aged 5-18 years who are listed on a Services Australia Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card or in approved Out of Home Care. Temporary or provisional visa holders, undocumented migrants or international students can also apply. Vouchers can be used at two different activity providers, or both can be used at one activity provider.

The key objective of Ticket to Play is to increase the number of young Tasmanians participating in sport and active recreation.

Who is eligible for a voucher?

Applicants must be:

  • aged between 5 and 18 years old at the time of application; and
  • listed on a valid Services Australia Health care or Pensioner Concession Card or
  • be in approved out of home care or
  • a temporary or provisional visa holder, undocumented migrant or international student.

Vouchers can be used toward the cost of club membership or registration fees at Tasmanian sport or active recreation organisations who are listed as an approved activity provider.

The Ticket to Play vouchers can only be used at or redeemed by Approved Activity Providers.

Active Tasmania, along with all other Australian, State and Territory governments, accepts the following definitions of ‘sport’ and ‘active recreation’, from within the National Sport and Active Recreation Policy Framework:

  • Sport – A human activity involving physical exertion and skill as the primary focus of the activity, with elements of competition where rules and patterns of behaviour governing the activity exist formally through organisations and is generally accepted as a sport (Australian Sports Commission).
  • Active Recreation – Activities engaged in for the purpose of relaxation, health and wellbeing or enjoyment with the primary activity requiring physical exertion, and the primary focus on human activity.