TasCOSS is a key partner for the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government’s Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings Reform Implementation Project.
The intended purpose of TasCOSS’s involvement in the Commission of Inquiry Reform Implementation Project includes the following:
- Fostering culture and system change across institutions, organisations, community and society;
- Enhanced engagement between government and the community services industry to inform the Child Sexual Abuse Reform Strategy and Action Plan, and respond to the recommendations from the Commission of Inquiry;
- Increased opportunities for ongoing education, engagement and systems and culture change across the community services industry;
- Working collaboratively with government and community to advance the rights, safety and wellbeing of Tasmanian children, young people and adults in vulnerable situations.
As part of our work as a project partner, we have been asked to consider how the Tasmanian Government can improve its engagement with non-government organisations (including the community services industry and the community more broadly) to enhance its consultation on reform opportunities relating to the Commission of Inquiry recommendations and child sexual abuse.
TasCOSS is proposing a series of recommendations to the Government on how they can improve consultation with community members and organisations on legislative and policy reform relating to child sexual abuse and the recommendations from the Commission of Inquiry.
Our hope is that this work on the implementation project may also provide a framework or example of how the Government can improve its consultation framework generally. Our recommendations will include input from community organisations and stakeholders, as well as consideration of our own internal policies and frameworks relating to engagement.
Industry Response Project Team
TasCOSS supports the full implementation of recommendations from the Commission of Inquiry and the introduction of an independent Reform Implementation Monitor. However, we are concerned some elements of the Draft Bill may impact the ability of the Reform Implementation Monitor to exercise its functions in a way which promotes three key objectives and powers, namely scope, information gathering, and entry and inspection.
Alongside our recommendations, we also note the importance of community education and awareness-raising for the effective functioning of the Reform Implementation Monitor. One way to promote public engagement with this work is the development and maintenance of a centralised online portal where community organisations and individuals can access up-to-date information about the implementation and reform process. Download TasCOSS’s submission (PDF, 533KB) or (Word, 790KB).