Latest Resources and Submissions

Here are the latest resources and submissions prepared by TasCOSS.

You must be a TasCOSS Member and be logged-in to the website to access the entire Resource Library, which is filled to the brim with policy analysis, submissions, reports and commentary.

Consultation & Reporting

Joint Submission regarding Support for Police Offences Amendment (Begging Repeal) Bill 2024

TasCOSS join with Community Legal Centres Tasmania, Anglicare Tasmania, St Vincent de Paul Society Tasmania, Australian Lawyers Alliance, Shelter Tasmania, Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre and the Prisoners Legal Service Tasmania, to urge the Tasmanian Parliament to support the Police Offences Amendment (Begging Repeal) Bill 2024 and repeal the offence of begging.…
Consultation & Reporting

Joint Submission regarding Proposed Amendments to the Residential Tenancy Act 1997

The Tenants' Union of Tasmania, Community Legal Centres Tasmania and TasCOSS welcome the opportunity to respond to the proposed amendments to the Residential Tenancy Act 1997. Allowing pets in rentals and providing renters with the ability to affix furniture to the wall are reforms that almost all Australian jurisdictions have…
Children & Youth

Justice Miscellaneous (Commission of Inquiry) Bill 2024

TasCOSS's submission provides an overview of key issues as well as recommendations for amendments and suggestions for supplementary reforms which should be prioritised alongside this reform. TasCOSS strongly recommend urgent changes to consultation processes for legislative and policy reform relating to the Commission of Inquiry Reform Implementation Project. These reforms are important to…

Open Letter to the Hon Tony Burke MP re Reform of Employment Services and an End to Payment Suspensions

TasCOSS, as part of a the COSS Network and in collaboration with key community service organisations, ask that the Commonwealth Government announce, in or before the 2024 Budget: its intention to fundamentally reform the Workforce Australia system along the lines recommended by the Hill Report; take urgent action to remove…

Sentencing Amendment (Presumptive Sentencing for Assaults on Frontline Workers) Bill 2024

There is a volume of evidence that demonstrates mandatory sentencing is not an effective deterrent and will do little to protect frontline workers from harm. Due to the insufficient evidence that mandatory or presumptive sentencing makes frontline workers safer, TasCOSS opposes the draft Bill and recommends it be withdrawn. Rather than…