David Cherry and his colleagues have provided training to a wide range of organisations on a broad range of topics all around Australia for over 35 years.
We provide training on the following topics:
- Handle with Care (TM)-Staff Safety and Defusing Situations where Individuals may be Aggressive
- Managing Difficult Calls
- The Occasional Counsellor (TM)
- Difficult Conversations (Adults)-How to Talk to Adults About Almost Anything
- Case Notes and Record-Keeping
- Managing Vicarious Trauma
- Interviewing Clients in Relation to Difficult Events and Material
- Understanding Burnout and Steps Towards Recovery
- Supervision-Helping Others Grow and Change
- Difficult Conversations (Children and Young People)-How to Talk to Children and Young People About Almost Anything.
- Understanding and Maintaining Professional Boundaries
- Difficult Performance Conversations
All our training can be tailored to the needs of a staff group and new training can be developed to meet a particular need.