Family Planning Tasmania

Family Planning Tasmania is your local expert in sexual and reproductive health. Learn more about us on our website:

We provide non-judgemental and caring clinical services for all, and education programs for professionals and people of all stages of life.

We are vocal advocates for sexual and reproductive health rights and community awareness.

We offer the following services:

  • Clinical services
  • Education
  • Consultancy and advice
  • Advocacy
  • Health promotion
  • Accurate and up-to-date information and resources

Our Philosophy

Family Planning Tasmania believes that:

Human sexuality is an integral part of life. It is shaped by gender, and by social, political, spiritual and cultural factors, and is subject to lifelong dynamic change.

Everyone has the right to live free of discrimination, regardless of their age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, ethnic background, religion or ability.

Everyone has the right to express their sexuality, provided they do not violate the rights of others. FPT recognises the right of all people to self-determination in the control of their fertility and to the enjoyment of satisfying and responsible sexual expression.

Everyone has the right to make informed choices about sexuality and to take responsibility for their own sexual and reproductive health; therefore everyone has the right to:

  • unbiased and up-to date information about sexuality, and sexual and reproductive health matters
  • an awareness and understanding of sexual feelings
  • equity of access to appropriate health care services, including sexual and reproductive health care services and
  • lifelong learning about sexuality as an integral part of living.

Family Planning Tasmania aims to provide sexual and reproductive health clinic and education services that are consistent with these beliefs and with commonly accepted principles of social justice.

The staff and Board of Family Planning Tasmania are committed to providing services in a manner that recognises the rights of individuals to be consistently treated with a non-judgemental, non-discriminatory, considerate manner, respecting their right to privacy and confidentiality.

Contact Details