Wyndarra Centre Inc

Established  in 1982, Wyndarra Centre Inc.  is a community  managed provider of community services in the Circular Head Municipality funded by Commonwealth and State grants and community donations.

On Call Service

The On Call Service is the first contact point for all Wyndarra’s Services and assists in a wide range of services such as: Support – Access to resources – Filling out forms – Information – Advice – Crisis response – Financial support, PRSS, NILS – Internal referral to one of our services – Advocacy – Access or referrals to other services, including Centrelink, Housing Department, Anglicare, Financial Counselling Service, and Legal Services.

Emergency Relief Fund

Emergency Relief is a service to address the immediate financial needs of families or individuals in crisis.

Personal & Family Counselling Program

Working with individuals, children, families, and communities providing information, resources, and referrals. This service includes: Grief – Sexual assault – Domestic violence – Mental health – Stress – Drug and alcohol – Pregnancy – Parenting – Relationships – Crisis – Community Education

Commonwealth Home Support Program

Services provided to the frail aged include: Personal care – Respite – Specialist Support Services – Domestic Assistance – Home maintenance – Social Support – Transport

Specialist Homelessness Service

This program assists families and individuals who are homeless or at risk of homelessness – Housing Connect – Wyndarra Housing Outreach – Intervention/ Transition support – Access to accommodation service

Home and Community Care

Services provided to young people with disabilities include: Domestic assistance – Social support – Personal care – Respite – Client care coordination – Case management – Home maintenance – Counselling support/information and advocacy – clients/carers – First Nations community service

Support Coordination

Support Coordination is an NDIS funded support designed to build the capacity of participants. There are three levels of Support Coordination: Support Connection – Coordination of Supports – Specialist Support Coordination

Needle Supply Program

Harm reduction resources – Counselling and referrals – Provide sterile injecting equipment

Volunteer Program

Volunteers are an integral part of our service delivery. All volunteers undertake an 18 hour induction program that concentrates on issues of confidentiality and acceptance of the values of others. Volunteers are involved in areas such as: Assistance with shopping – Driving – Caring – Gardening and Lawns – Social Support – Domestic Assistance – Tax help – Hamper Activities – Assist with wellness and reablement of clients

Wyndarra Support Services

Wyndarra Centre is a registered NDIS provider and provides a range of support for people with varying abilities: National Disability & Insurance Scheme – Short Term Accommodation/Respite care – Personal care – Community Access and Social Support – Independent Living Skills – Medication Administration – Specialised supports. Wyndarra Support Services also provide support to people with varying abilities in services brokered from other agencies

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