NILS Network of Tasmania Ltd

The NILS Tasmania mission is to support low income Tasmanians by providing access to safe and affordable loans. We are Tasmania’s own community lending service and are a not for profit charitable organisation that provides loans to low income Tasmanians to purchase essential items and services, vehicles and establish and grow small (micro) businesses. NILS Tasmania was established in 2002 and has issued more than 34,000 loans for more than $36 million dollars for household goods and services, as well as over 1,000 micro business loans to a value of $2.8 million.

NILS Microfinance Loans make credit available to low income earners who have a health care card or pension card, and to those who earn under $55,000 per annum. There are no fees, no charges and no interest – ever. NILS Tasmania provide loans from $300 to $2000. Our loans are delivered through a state-wide network of more than 75 delivery partners including: 34 Neighbourhood Houses; non-government organisations (NGOs) such as Anglicare, The Salvation Army, and City Mission; as well as women’s shelters, electorate offices etc. More than 430 trained and accredited volunteer Loan Officers provide the face-to-face component of the NILS Tasmania loan process in 95 sites across Tasmania. Our network of community based delivery partners and loans officers show our clients compassion and respect. This is the very heart of NILS Tasmania, and what sets NILS apart. These organisations support and partner in our work because they see the impact of our loans in their communities.

Our Micro Business loans are delivered in partnership with the eight State Government funded Enterprise Centres and the Federal Government’s NEIS scheme. These loans enable Tasmanians on Centrelink benefits or those earning under $55K to expand or establish small businesses  Our loans have been a great stepping stone for so many Tasmanian entrepreneurs. Over 40% of our loan recipients report employing another person in their business by the end of their loan term.

NILS Tasmania is one of the largest of the no interest loan providers across Australia operating in partnership with Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand (GSANZ).   Our banking partners are National Australia Bank for our Micro Finance loans and Bank of us for our MicroBusiness loans.  Our operating budget is provided through State Government funding, Federal Government funding brokered through GSANZ and corporate donations.


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