In Tasmania we are widely known as ACD Tas. We are a state-wide disability specialist family organisation. Established in 1997, ACD Tas began as a support group for parents with children with disability.
ACD Tas is a peer-led not-for-profit organisation providing information, advocacy, consultation and training, case coordination and peer support.
Our vision is that people with disability, their families and carers have equal opportunity to reach their potential and lead fulfilling lives. Our mission is to provide community leadership and quality support options that improve participation and life outcomes.
Although much of our focus is on assisting families with children and young people with disability aged 0-25yrs, we do all that we can to support family carers regardless of the age of the person/s that they care for.
A good example of the information we provide is the Finding Your Way website, http://findingyourway.com.au or visit our Finding Your Way Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/findingyourwaytas/
For news and updates please visit the ACD Tas Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/ACDTas/
We make access to ACD Tas support easy. Contact us today on 1800 244 742 or email to admin@acdtas.com.au