The Tenants’ Union of Tasmania is a specialist Community Legal Centre for residential tenants. Our aim is to secure the rights of all tenants by providing free legal advice, representation and education, as well as advocating for the improvement of tenants’ rights.
Our Services
We offer telephone advice statewide and face-to-face advice in three locations, Hobart, Launceston and Devonport.
Legal Representation
Our solicitors and tenancy workers can advise you on how to present your case if you need to go to Court, and in certain circumstances can represent you in Court with your tenancy matter.
Tenancy Education & Training
We teach about residential tenancy in Tasmania. Any interested group. Introduction to Advanced. Face-to-face and soon online.
Purchasing Leases
We sell leases that comply with Tasmanian residential tenancy law. They can be purchased in Hobart, Launceston and Devonport.