That core mission has never changed, but has continued to evolve to meet the needs of each generation of servicemen and women. We have a branch network that covers Australia and any veteran who needs help will get it – every serving Australian Defence Force member and veteran will be warmly welcomed at their local RSL.
We advocate for the best possible conditions for our serving men and women and for those who have served the nation in the past.
We foster respect and thanks from the nation for all those who have made sacrifices in Australia’s name and we will provide a strong voice on issues of national unity and security.
Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide
The Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide handed down its interim report on Thursday 11 August 2022. Please find below a response from RSL Tasmania CEO John Hardy, as well as links to access both the recommendations by the Royal Commission and the Interim Report in full.
RSL Tasmania CEO John Hardy Response to Royal Commission Interim Report
Recommendations by Royal Commission
Interim Report Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide