Health Consumers Tasmania is a Company Limited by Guarantee, funded by the Tasmanian Department of Health and Primary Health Tasmania and reports to an independent board. Health Consumers Tasmania has established a community of interest of over 650 people and has been formally involved in approximately 15 partnerships or national/state-wide health related committees to date.
Health Consumers Tasmania has been established to provide health consumer advocacy through
· collecting community views and using this evidence to advocate for a health system that better meets the needs of Tasmanians
· facilitating consumer engagement by placing health consumers on committees and workshops to inform government decision-making in service delivery design, program and systems reviews and evaluations
· providing training to health consumers on how to engage with the health system, and to health staff on how to engage with individual consumers or community groups.
Health Consumers Tasmania is not an industry or union-based body and therefore does not represent the commercial interests of any one group or body. Rather, Health Consumers Tasmania is a facilitator for Tasmanian health consumers to express their views into the health system, and the views of the community more broadly.