Face-to-face and/or phone service for ALL women inclusive of religion, identity, ability, sexuality, social background or culture.
Individual Support
We are available for women to talk about domestic or family violence issues by phone or face to face at our service or another safe place. You have a choice about how often this happens, what you talk about, what your goals are, and whether you want to continue. We can also:
- help you look at your options
- help explore your feelings, fears and doubts
- help you understand what is happening to you when you are with someone who
uses violence to control a relationship
- help you to understand the effects of trauma on your mind and body
- give information about other services in the community
Group Work
We regularly run support groups. These are a safe place for women to share their experiences and talk over issues including: what is domestic/family violence, the cycle of abuse, the impact and effects of violence in particular violence against women and children, your rights, and finding hope.
The Shark Cage Group Program
This is an eight week supportive and informative group for women who have experienced family violence or sexual abuse in their lives. It is based on a human rights approach of education, empowerment and healing for women who are at risk of family/domestic violence or sexual assault.
The main goals of the program are:
To increase:
- Knowledge of healthy and unhealthy relationships
- Capacity to set boundaries
- Skills in assertive communication
- Awareness of the impacts of abuse
- Ability to care for and be kind to self
- Connection to feelings
- A sense of self worth
- Connection to body
- Belief in entitlement to rights
- Ability to recognise a potentially abusive person and
- To decrease any feelings of self-blame for the abuse experienced