Tasmanian Men's Shed Association Inc

The Tasmanian Men’s Shed Association (TMSA) was formed in 2009 and is the peak body representing sheds across Tasmania. These sheds play an incredibly important role in our communities.

The organisation exists only through the efforts and commitment of volunteers from sheds around Tasmania, along with the support by way of funding from the Tasmanian Government.

What is a Men’s Shed

While many people think that Men’s Sheds are places where older men meet to make things – this is just the beginning of the Men’s Shed message. TMSA Member Sheds are becoming the heart and hub for men in communities right throughout Tasmania.

Many men struggle with the transition from a working life to retirement, often missing the camaraderie of their former workplace and feel a lack or purpose. There are many also that find themselves alone, often living in isolation and need to connect with their community but aren’t sure how. There are men that have moved to a new community that need to make some new mates. Becoming a member of TMSA Men’s Shed can offer you this and so much more.

You can learn a new skill or pass on your skill to others. Many members simply like to drop in for a cuppa and a game of crib. Some like to sit by the wood heater on a cold winter’s day and have a chat. It is now widely understood that men communicate in their own special way and the environment of a Men’s Shed is the perfect place to offload your worries in a place where you feel comfortable.

And Sheds aren’t just for ‘old blokes.’ Each shed is different. Many offer woodwork, welding, metal work, car maintenance, computer skills, gardening and that’s just the beginning. Restoration of furniture also keeps Sheds busy with members of the community choosing to repair or repurpose furniture and household items rather than replace.

Our Tasmanian Member Sheds are always ready to lend a helping hand in their community, from creating benches for public spaces, handmade trophies and souvenirs featuring Tasmanian timbers to collecting and delivering firewood for disadvantaged members of their communities.

And that is just the beginning of the diversity of Shed life. Most importantly, there is no pressure to do anything, just get out of the house and find a group of men that you enjoy being with.

There will be a Tasmanian Shed that suits your needs.