Labor provides short-term relief to community services, but stops short of ending funding uncertainty

TasCOSS is pleased to see Tasmanian Labor acknowledge the essential role our industry plays by pledging that funding to community services won’t be cut over the next 12 months should they win government.

TasCOSS CEO, Ms Adrienne Picone, welcomed Labor’s commitment to matching the current rate of indexation provided by the government (4%), but urged the party to honour their commitment to fair funding by providing long-term funding certainty to community service organisations.

“We don’t need more reviews or frameworks, the evidence base for a sustainable funding formula is already there,” Ms Picone said.

“Securing the wellbeing of our population, in particular the provision of support to those experiencing vulnerability, transcends politics and we urge the incoming government to make a long-term commitment to community services indexation which is reflective of the true costs of providing services.”

“Demand for services is increasing across the state. If community services are not properly funded to carry out their work, Tasmanians suffer and the cost is borne by the taxpayer when this unmet need results in far more expensive interventions, including Emergency Department presentations.”

For more information, please refer to TasCOSS’s 2024 Tasmanian State Election Priorities (PDF, 3.24MB), 6: Industry Sustainability