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Budget Priorities Statements

TasCOSS 2023/24 Budget Priorities Statement: Wellbeing First (Summary)

Community Services Industry

TasCOSS 2024 Tasmanian State Election Priorities

TasCOSS's 2024 Tasmanian State Election Priorities focusses on policy solutions and investments that address the immediate cost of living pressures Tasmanians are grappling with and ensure a well-resourced community services industry that can meet increasing levels of need and complexity in the community. These asks, if adopted, will also build…
Budget Priorities Statements

TasCOSS 2024/25 Budget Priorities Statement: Industry Sustainability: A Proposal for a Strong Community Services Industry to Keep Tasmanians Safe and Well

Industry Sustainability: A Proposal for a Strong Community Services Industry to Keep Tasmanians Safe and Well responds to the multiple challenges affecting Tasmanians and the industry that supports them. The COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters, combined with the widescale reform required to safeguard and uphold the rights of adults and…
Budget Priorities Statements

TasCOSS 2024/25 Budget Priorities Statement: Supporting Tasmanians in a Worsening Cost of Living Crisis

Supporting Tasmanians in a Worsening Cost of Living Crisis makes a number of recommendations to provide immediate and longer-term cost of living relief and better support Tasmanians through housing, energy, food, health, transport, and digital technology solutions. We also recommend ongoing funding for TasCOSS’s flagship lived experience initiative, the Community…