Resources Library

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Cost of Living

Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs Inquiry into Newstart and Related Payments

Cost of Living

Senate Standing Economics References Committee Inquiry into Credit and Financial Services Targeted at Australians at Risk of Financial Hardship

Consultation & Reporting

Sentencing Amendment (Alcohol Treatment Order) Bill 2023

TasCOSS strongly supports legislative and social reform to provide greater support for Tasmanians to receive community-based treatment and care. Many people come into contact with the criminal justice system as a result of substance use and misuse, and the expansion of alternative sentencing options — including therapeutic models such as…

Sentencing Amendment (Presumptive Sentencing for Assaults on Frontline Workers) Bill 2024

There is a volume of evidence that demonstrates mandatory sentencing is not an effective deterrent and will do little to protect frontline workers from harm. Due to the insufficient evidence that mandatory or presumptive sentencing makes frontline workers safer, TasCOSS opposes the draft Bill and recommends it be withdrawn. Rather than…
Social Innovation

Shared Statement of Intent for Engaging Tasmanians in Recovery and Rebuilding