Resources Library

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Consultation & Reporting

Review of Section 11B of the Sentencing Act 1997 (Tas)

TasCOSS strongly supports measures which promote respect, equality and understanding in our community. We agree there are groups in Tasmanian society who continue to experience social stigma, disadvantage and discrimination, and we strongly support measures which seek to address inequality. Many community organisations in Tasmania are supportive of provisions which could…
Consultation & Reporting

Review of Tasmania’s Local Government Legislation Framework

Local Government

Review of Tasmania’s Local Government Legislation Framework — Reform Directions Paper

Community Services Industry

Review of Tasmania’s State Recovery Plan

The community services industry already plays a vital role in responding to disasters and working collaboratively with communities through recovery. However, we need adequate resources to ensure we are properly equipped to continue the work involved in strengthening community resilience and enhancing recovery. This should also include additional resourcing to…