Consultation & Reporting
Metro Tasmania: Accessibility and Inclusion Plan Consultation
Across the state, Tasmanians have spoken to us about the importance of affordable, accessible and reliable public transport in order to access services, employment, education and recreation. An effective public bus service is crucial for a healthy, vibrant and productive community. Making Metro travel more inclusive will remove barriers to greater…
Consultation & Reporting
Model for Reform of Lobbying Oversight in Tasmania
TasCOSS supports an expanded definition of 'lobbyist' for Tasmania, as proposed by the Framework Report, which is intended to capture both commercial lobbyists as well as in-house lobbyists (people who make representations to Government, including lobbying activity, on behalf of their employer). We also support the proposed change to the definition of…
National Construction Code Joint Statement
National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Small Amount Credit Contract and Consumer Lease Reforms) Bill 2019 (No. 2)
Cost of Living