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Energy & Water

Office of the Tasmanian Economic Regulator 2018 Water and Sewerage Price Investigation Draft Report


One State, One Health System, Better Outcomes: Delivering Safe and Sustainable Clinical Services

Consultation & Reporting

Open Letter of Support for the Police Offences Amendment (Begging Repeal) Bill 2023

Criminalising begging is criminalising poverty. By abolishing the criminalisation of begging, we pave the way for a more compassionate societal approach, safeguarding the rights of individuals to seek assistance without fear of legal repercussion. It has been more than four and a half years since the Tasmanian Government announced that…

Open Letter to the Hon Tony Burke MP re Reform of Employment Services and an End to Payment Suspensions

TasCOSS, as part of a the COSS Network and in collaboration with key community service organisations, ask that the Commonwealth Government announce, in or before the 2024 Budget: its intention to fundamentally reform the Workforce Australia system along the lines recommended by the Hill Report; take urgent action to remove…
Community Services Industry

Open Letter to the Premier regarding Tasmania’s Right to Information System

The right to information (RTI) is enshrined in several international agreements, including Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. RTI is a critical component of Australia’s system of government and helps to ensure that decision-makers are accountable for their decisions. A well-functioning RTI system helps maintain…
Community Services Industry

Open Letter to the Treasurer re Charities and Associations Law (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill

TasCOSS, as part of a coalition for funding reform, have written to the Treasurer, the Hon Michael Ferguson MP, outlining necessary amendments to the Charities and Associations Law (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2023 which, if enacted, will better support the ongoing harmonisation project to fix fundraising laws. For decades, charities have been held back by…