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Consultation & Reporting

Joint Submission regarding Support for Police Offences Amendment (Begging Repeal) Bill 2024

TasCOSS join with Community Legal Centres Tasmania, Anglicare Tasmania, St Vincent de Paul Society Tasmania, Australian Lawyers Alliance, Shelter Tasmania, Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre and the Prisoners Legal Service Tasmania, to urge the Tasmanian Parliament to support the Police Offences Amendment (Begging Repeal) Bill 2024 and repeal the offence of begging.…
Children & Youth

Justice Legislation (Organisational Liability for Child Abuse) Amendment Bill

Children & Youth

Justice Miscellaneous (Commission of Inquiry) Bill 2024

TasCOSS's submission provides an overview of key issues as well as recommendations for amendments and suggestions for supplementary reforms which should be prioritised alongside this reform. TasCOSS strongly recommend urgent changes to consultation processes for legislative and policy reform relating to the Commission of Inquiry Reform Implementation Project. These reforms are important to…
Children & Youth

Justice Miscellaneous (Royal Commission Amendments) Bill