Subscribe to the TasCOSS enews

Want to keep up-to-date with TasCOSS? The TasCOSS enews highlights the latest TasCOSS campaigns, workshops and training, as well as providing a round-up of upcoming TasCOSS Member events, training, expressions of interest, awards, grants and more.

TasCOSS Members can upload their own listings to the online Member and Community Noticeboard. Links to these listings will be included in the TasCOSS enews, subject to capacity, in addition to being promoted and searchable on the TasCOSS website.

Interested? Find out how you can submit a TasCOSS Member listing. NB: You must be logged-in to the TasCOSS website to post a listing.

If you are not a TasCOSS Member and would like to promote an event, position vacancy or other information of interest, you can advertise in the TasCOSS enews.

The TasCOSS enews is delivered via email every third Thursday. Missed an edition? Catch-up on previous editions of the TasCOSS enews.

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