What does the next generation of community service board members look like? A lot like you.
Have you ever thought of yourself as a board director? Our community services industry needs people on their boards from all kinds of backgrounds. You might have an area of expertise, or a passion for supporting a group in our community. Perhaps you just want to give something back.
You might be on a board already but would like to increase your impact and explore the possibilities that come with your position. It could be you that helps influence our community organisations to get the best outcomes for the people who need us.
Gamechangers in Governance, delivered in partnership with the University of Tasmania, is a short online course designed to help you build the confidence and skills to become an effective community services board director. The course is:
- Accessible, affordable and tailored to Tasmania; and
- Made-up of four modules focussed on preparing you to be a board director, and four additional modules on shaping an effective board for those who wish to continue learning (or if you’re an experienced director).
But it’s not just a online course. In-person opportunities are built-in, ensuring you can share your experiences and grow your network.
Our next generation of leaders is you. Why not share what you have to offer?