Tasmanian Government: Multicultural Community Festivals Small Grants Program

The Tasmanian Government is offering a new Multicultural Community Festivals Small Grants Program. Applications are now open and eligible applicants can apply for funding between $500 to $5,000 to hold festivals or events in Tasmania that celebrate cultural traditions with a focus on new and emerging culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
Further information
Deadline: 15 April, 2025
Organisation: Department of Premier and Cabinet
Email Address: grants@dpac.tas.gov.au

The Tasmanian Government is offering a new Multicultural Community Festivals Small Grants Program. Applications are now open and eligible applicants can apply for funding between $500 to $5,000 to hold festivals or events in Tasmania that celebrate cultural traditions with a focus on new and emerging culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

The Grants Program aims to:

  • bring Tasmanians together to celebrate the cultures of our diverse communities and share traditions;
  • increase understanding of the diverse cultures within the Tasmanian community in which we live and improve social cohesion; and
  • strengthen partnerships between culturally and linguistically diverse communities and local governments.

It is being delivered in partnership with Local Government Authorities (Councils), to enable multicultural organisations to increase resources for the festival or event.  In the application, organisations must demonstrate a partnership between the organisation and a local council.

Applications close at 2pm, Tuesday 15 April 2025.

Festivals or events must be held by 30 June 2026.