2025/26 Tasmanian State Budget Consultation Timeline

Please be advised, the due date for written submissions to the Department of Treasury and Finance relating to the 2025/26 Tasmanian State Budget has been confirmed as 5pm, Sunday 22 December 2024.*

The Tasmanian Government has also confirmed 2025/26 Tasmanian Budget will be presented to Parliament on Thursday 29 May 2025.

The budget priorities submission process provides a valuable opportunity to set out what we want to achieve as a community services industry in the short-, medium- and long-term. There are no mandatory inclusions or specific requirements for submissions, but suggested focus areas for consideration can be found on the Department of Treasury and Finance’s website

Consultation guidelines to assist in preparing your written submission are now available. Please be advised, all written submissions must include a cover sheet and be forwarded electronically to: communityconsultation@treasury.tas.gov.au.

To assist in the process, TasCOSS has prepared a step-by-step guide to preparing a budget priorities submission.

The guide walks you through the major components of the submission, including suggested structure, determining key focus areas, gathering supporting evidence and providing costings for your recommendations.

Please let us know if you require further information. As always, TasCOSS is on hand to provide assistance with budget submissions. If you would like TasCOSS’s input, please get in contact with a member of the TasCOSS team.

* Please note, the Tasmanian Government communicated a extended due date in a press release issued on Thursday 14 November 2024.